Family law (also known as matrimonial law), dealing with family matters and domestic relationships, can be a complex and stressful process. In these times, you need an experienced, caring and proactive advocated by your side. If you are searching for effective family law representation in Cleveland County, Gaston County, or Lincoln County, North Carolina, turn to area Law Attorney, Colin McWhirter. He will guide and protect you while fully protecting your rights and negotiating a fair and equitable resolution for you and your family.

(704) 480-9666
Ready to Serve You.

Effective Litigator
Pro-Active Advocate
Skilled Negotiator
Caring & Reliable
Reasonably Priced

Colin McWhirter, Public Attorney - Family Law Service Areas
Marriage, Civil Unions, and Domestic Partnerships
Adoption and Surrogacy
Child abuse and Child Abduction
Termination of Family or Domestic Relationships and Ancillary Matters, including Divorce, Annulment, Property Settlements, Alimony, Child Custody and Visitation, Child Support and Alimony Awards
Juvenile Adjudication;
Paternity Testing and Paternity Fraud.